Hedgeline Contact addresses


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    For the Victims of Nuisance Hedges

    Hedgeline Media and Politicians only

      For official and media callers only:  

      All Unofficial Contacts for information or advice:   For Hedge-Victims

      Please note that we are not a business and are a non-profit making organisation.

      Individuals taking responsibility at the time when the Hedgeline campaign closed in May 2013


      Honorary Life President, Founder of Hedgeline, Michael Jones

      Policy Director, Clare Hinchliffe. Contact for media and officials.


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      Hedgeline President, Max Ayriss
      The Presidency is a non-executive office. Max was also our Director of Administration. He has acted in this capacity from the outset of our campaign.



      Hedgeline Vice Presidents, Hilde and Graham Allen.
      The Vice-Presidency is non-executive. Hilde and Graham are also our treasurers and have held this position since very early in in our campaign.


      Hedgeline Director of Regional Organisation, Nancy Webster
      She was also a central for hedge victims and the media



      Hedgeline Technical Adviser, Derek Glew
      He has considerable professional experience which helped him to advise us on such matters as light and sunlight and shadows at various times of year. He was also a very active area coordinator.


      Coordinator for the the 'BRE Guidelines' Alan Bridgman,
      He also wrote some of our easy guides to the new Law.



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      We try to give our members all the help we possibly can. We are basing our advice on our own experience and on that of other members of the group but we must make it clear that we are not legal experts, and that no member of Hedgeline can take any responsibility for any misunderstanding or adverse consequence, of whatever kind, or however caused, which may arise from the use of the contents of this website.
      We cannot and shall not involve ourselves in the personal disputes of any member or official.

      Hedgeline copyright for the entire site on text, all graphics, all telephone numbers, email or other contact addresses. 1999 - 2005 inclusive. Material on this entire website is not for reproduction on any other website or in any other way without permission of Hedgeline.

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